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Review: Torment by Lauren Kate

Torment by Lauren Kate

                Luce has finally found the love her life. But Luce and her angelic boyfriend Daniel must stay separated just a little while longer. To keep Luce safe she is sent to Shoreline, a school for Nephilim and some human students.  Here Luce begins to unlock the secrets of the Shadows. But the more Luce learns the more she is beginning to lose trust in Daniel. Luce is scared that the secrets Daniel keeps from her may affect their relationship. She’s no longer sure if what Daniel says about her past is true and she begins to question whether Daniel is really the only one meant for her.

                I would first like to point out that this is the second novel in the Fallen series and to fully understand it you should read the first book, Fallen before Torment. I though this book was only satisfactory. I think that the author is dragging out the mystery behind Luce and Daniels past relationships a little too much. As a reader I am ready for more clarification. With that said I continue to read because I absolutely have to know what is going on! The plot is pretty unique so while reading you want to find out how the series will end but you want to know faster, I guess we can’t have everything. My main issue with the book is Luce. She is a pretty weak character. Instead of standing up for herself and demanding from Daniel to know what is going on she weakly asks him a few times and then accepts when he won’t tell her. She is easily distracted and one small comment from another character will make Luce over react. I am just hoping that Luce will stop taking matters into her own hands for one minute and actually try to talk to Daniel. Even with all that said I did enjoy the novel and will definitely be reading the next book.


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