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Putting the Advisory in Youth Advisory Group...

As you all know, Luke Taylor of Dundas won the fantastic Wrestlemania Challenge. Luke gets a free trip to Atlanta and HPL gets money to go towards new books! I'd like YOUR input on how to spend the money.
If you're interested in helping decide what books should be bought, come to the Dundas Youth Advisory Group on Thursday March 3 at 4 p.m. We're going to be flipping through catalogs, marking which books look good, and when we're all cataloged out we'll play Michael Jackson The Experience on the Wii. We're also going to try out the new HPL buttonmaker so there will be lots of fun to be had by all!

Here are the details again:

what: Dundas YAG (aka picking out the hottest new books, making buttons & playing wii)
where: Dundas Branch
when: March 3 @ 4pm
who: ages 13+

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