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...but where ARE the awesome teen e-books?

When you're searching for e-books, what you might notice first is that it can be a little hard to find what you want. If you know the title of the book you're looking for, it's super easy: just type it into the search bar. But what if you just want to browse the teen stuff and see what we have?

On the main page, you can browse genres but a lot of those are adult fiction which you may or may not be interested in (I know I'm not). Luckily there's an easy way to find what you want. On the main page (which you can get to by clicking e-Audiobooks and e-Books in the catalog), click on Advanced search. It's on the left-hand side under the search bar (or check out the diagram below)

This is what the advanced search screen looks like. See the stuff in the red boxes? That's what you want to change.

  • Select EPUB under Format. 
  • Select either Children's Fiction or Teen Fiction under Subject (hint: most new teen stuff is under Children's fiction because that's what the publisher classifies it as. I have to go in after and change it to teen. If you want to be thorough, search both). 
  • If you change the order to Date added to site, the new stuff will pop up first. 
  • If you tick off Only show titles with copies available, you'll get titles that you can check out NOW. If you want to see what we have so you can place holds, leave this unticked. 
  • Click Search
Voila! An order just went through yesterday so there should be some (hopefully) good stuff there. 

Have any other questions about finding/downloading e-books? Lay 'em on me! 

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