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What the heck is a zine?

For those not in the know, a zine is "cheaply made printed forms of expression on any subject" (from Whatcha Mean What's a Zine by Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson). It's like a mini magazine. It can be made by one person or many. It can be book-sized or mini-sized. It is whatever you want.

I recently went to the Oakville zine fair put on in part by the Oakville Public Library and the Oakville Galleries Youth Council (the picture to the left is theirs). I saw so many great zines and was inspired to make my own!

Now, I'm excited to make more zines and to show you guys how to make them too. I also have a bunch of the ones that the Oakville teens made to show off. If you like writing, doodling, crafting, or brainstorming, I hope you come along. It should be a blast! (And when else do you get to cut up library materials?)

Here are the details:

Zine Making
Terryberry Library
Monday August 16th
ages 12-18
RSVP to Terryberry, please! (Just so I have an idea of how many supplies we'll need)

You don't need to bring anything or have any experience. We're just going to goof around and have fun. Bring a friend!

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