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Highlight: Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong

I'm going to talk a little about the Top Novel picks and why you should pick them up and give them a shot.

First up: Sea of Shadows

First line: After three days of tramping across endless lava fields, Ronan quickened his steps at the sight of the forest. 

What's the deal: Okay it takes place in a village in which there is a forest of the dead (!!!) outside. Two sisters are tasked with keeping the dead in the forest and making sure they move onto the after life and don't terrorize the village. One evening though something attacks the village and before the sisters know it they're separated. Their only hope is to make it to the emperor to warn him, only their quest will not be an easy one.

Pick it up because... 
  • magic!
  • scary monsters
  • awesome sisters with cool powers

available in: print | audiobook | e-book

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