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The Only Alien On The Planet by Kristen D. Randle

We are back with our regular teen reviewing schedule!! This week Nida brings us an interesting, mysterious and emotional story. Check out her review below for The Only Alien On The Planet.

The Only Alien On The Planet is about a boy named "Smitty". Well, that's what everyone calls him at least. His full name is Michael Smith Tibbs but no one actually knew that but his parents.  Most people call him "The Alien". No one really knows anything about Smitty. Smitty Tibs does not talk, does not show any signs of emotion, nor does he have any friends. Until Ginny moves into town. She and a boy named Caulder try to talk to him, but he never responds. Caulder had saved Smitty from a fist fight and hadn't gotten a word out of him for years. Extremely curious about Smitty's case, they decide to dig deeper. Bad things start to happen and eventually, Smitty breaks. All the clues are put together to reveal the ugly truth behind Smitty's life. This book is a really interesting, mysterious, and an emotional story. It ends with a emotional unexpected surprise. I would rate it 10 out of 10. 

~ Nida

1 comment:

Boss said...

who is the alien? we are the aliens or aliens are the aliens?!