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Teen Reading Strategy Guide 2012

Behold! A strategy guide for this year's Teen Summer Reading. A guide to getting all the prizes and making the most out of this summer.

The Goal: 

Prizes. What kind of prizes?

  • McDonald's Ice Cream cones (who doesn't want that? Okay, except if you're lactose intolerant. Fair enough)
  • Books/graphic novels/manga (books like Perfect Chemistry, Vampire Diaries, Dangerous Angels and more) 
  • passes to the Royal Botanical Gardens (which is a perfect date activity, I might add!)
  • erasers/bookmarks/stickers/finger puppets/etc (fun little things to keep you occupied or give to the kids you babysit)

Draw prizes! This week's draw is a surprise pack but you can also be the Chief Librarian for a day, score TiCats tickets and meet all the authors at the Telling Tales festival. Check out your branch for the list of draws.

The Strategy: 

Get all the tabs from your badge to get the maximum amount of prizes PLUS earn bonus prizes too.

Step one: Get a badge! Get thee to a library! You need a card so make sure you have one or have a parent with you to get one. 

Step two: Figure out which draws you really want. Maximize your potential to win by putting most of your tabs in those draws. 

Step three: Do the stuff on the tabs. 

Tab 1: Register (pretty self explanatory). Bonus tip: Make sure you register your badge at home here or we won't be able to contact you when you win the draw. 

Tab 2: Talk to a staff person about something you've read. Bonus tip: Ask them to help you find your next book and you'll be well on your way to five books read. 

Tab 3: Attend a program. Check out the program calendar here or on the side bar to see what's going on. Bonus tip: Some programs have extra prizes associated with them like Guitar Hero.

Tab 4: Bring a friend to the library. Pretty easy. Bonus tip: Bring a friend to a program and do two tabs at once.

Tab 5: Download a book or song. You can download books from our e-books page once you've downloaded Adobe Digital editions. You can also read books using Tumblr books here. Sort by reading level to find books meant for older kids. 
Download music using Freegal. It's like iTunes but free. You can download up to three songs a week. Yours to keep!

Tab 6: Read 5 books. Don't love reading? Try audiobooks! Listen to a book while you do other stuff like mess around with Lego or clean your room. 

Tab 7: Read 10 books. Think you can do this one? This one might be the hardest tab to accomplish this summer. If you do, hats off to you!

Tab 8: Enter a contest. Our main teen contest this year is to enter the Power of the Pen Writing Competition. The deadline is the end of August. Bonus tip: Come out to a writing workshop listed in our teen program guide and get help with your entry. Not only will you enter a contest, but you've also done Tab 3. 

Bonus Step Four: Write/record a review and post them here. You'll be entered to win bonus prizes. Sweet!

If you've signed up, which tabs have you done so far?


LydiaL said...

how do you earn the ice cream coupon and the prizes (not the draw prizes)?

Kat said...

Hi Lydia,

Once you sign up for Summer Reading, you'll get a badge with tabs. Do anything on the tabs and you'll get a prize like an ice cream. It can be as easy as telling us about something you've read. Good luck!