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Waiting on Wednesday...

Last week's WoW was snowed in but this week's book, Blaze of Glory, is epic so hopefully it will make up for it.

the premise:  Aubrey, son of an ex-prime minister, is awesome at magic but stuck at military school. At least he has his BFF George with him, and he'll need him when they discover a golem trying to kill Prince Albert. The boys are hailed as heroes but who sent the golem and why? Obviously the boys have to investigate.

why I'm dying to read it: As a huge fan of Harry Potter, I'm pretty much down for any magic adventures ever. I love it when teens have to solve mysteries themselves (though I never read Nancy Drew as a kid) and I especially love the whole 'boys own adventure' trope. Boys + magic + adventure? Yes please! (It doesn't hurt that this book is really popular in its native Australia).

how long I have to wait: Actually it's already out but I'm waiting on a library copy. The second book, Heart of Gold is also just out in Canada too so if you can't wait on the library copy, you could have it in your hot little hands right now!

while you're waiting, check out: Obviously Harry Potter. If you haven't read these, I don't even know what to say to you right now. Also, my other favourite magic series is The Immortal Secrets of Nicholas Flammel. The first book is The Alchemyst. (Seriously, so good).

Also, check out this other cover! I'm liking the illustrated cover better, but this one is all grown-up looking.

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