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Teen Review - Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

I am thrilled to announce our debut teen review column! Six teens will be writing reviews each week, to be posted on Thursday. The reviews will be tagged with the author so if you find that you enjoy things they read, check out the other things they've reviewed. This week brings us the biggest book of the summer - Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.

Mockingjay is the final novel in the Hunger Games Series.

Katniss Everdeen has been rescued by the rebels and taken to District 13, which was formerly known to be non-existent. At District 13 Katniss discovers many secrets that she wasn’t meant to hear and the overall plan of the rebels is slowly revealed. She learns that she is meant to be the face of the revolution, yet again a pawn in a political battle which is the true game behind it all. Katniss is worried about the safety of her loved ones and friends, all the while struggling with her own sanity. She needs to figure out how to please the rebels while protecting all those she cares for while, in turn, answering the ultimate question that constantly hammers through her mind, “what should I do?”

I was rather disheartened with the conclusion of the Hunger Games series. But I guess I should have predicted that since as I continued to read the series I became more unimpressed with each book. I was absolutely captivated and mesmerized with the first book, intrigued and shocked by the second and bored to tears and unsatisfied by the third. I felt that the plot became repetitive. While reading the third book I discovered nothing new. There were no new ideas, new feelings or new unrevealed facts. I only found two parts of the novel to be remotely interesting, Peeta’s health and the execution that Katniss preformed. Overall I had high hopes for this novel and felt that I was let down, but you may not feel the same way.

- Clarissa


Sarah *aka Rumpleteaserkitty* said...

Awesome review Clarissa!!! I've been waiting to read Mockingjay. Your review has helped me a lot with how long and if I should read Mockingjay. I found that the first two books in the Hunger Games Trilogy were exciting at some parts but horribly uneventful in others.

Again awesome review!!! I can't wait to read your next one!!!

Clarissa said...

Thanks a bunch, I am just as excited to read yours. XD