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Do you know how hard it is to do work when there's a copy of Mockingjay sitting on your desk? I wouldn't recommend trying it.

Speaking of Mockingjay, a big thank you to those who came out last night to the Mockingjay launch at Westdale and to Patrick from Adventure Running Kids who put together an awesome scavenger hunt. I had a lot of fun - I hope you did too!

Someone asked about a fourth Hunger Games book and as far as I can tell after poking around the internet it's a trilogy with Mockingjay being the last book (I haven't read it yet - it's sitting on my desk, argh! - so I can't say if it ends on a cliffhanger or not... can someone else help?). There will however be a movie version coming out next year so look out for that!

Today is the last day to get your reviews in! I will be doing a final draw this afternoon for the prize pack on the right. More reviews = better chance of winning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't read Mockingjay yet, but I bought it today and can't wait to read it! It says on the cover that it's the final book.