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Calling all reviewers!

So now that the summer is over, the blog will be slowing down a bit. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop posting, however! These are the things you can look forward to getting news about in the fall...
  • cool programs
  • new books
  • volunteer opportunities
  • book-related news (like movies coming out or upcoming releases)
  • reviews!
This last point is where I need your help. So many of you are so very very good at writing reviews and I'd like for you to continue writing reviews during the year. Here's what I would need from you: a short (200 words ish/two paragraph) review on a teen book of your choice submitted once a month. What would you get out of it?
  • experience writing
  • fodder for your resume
  • the chance to let everyone know about your favourite books
  • the chance to read books that haven't been published yet
  • very occassional free books (probably one every six months to a year but maybe more)
Sure I could easily write a review a week - I read like a fiend - but to be honest? I don't always read stuff that you'd be interested in reading and how boring would it be to get my picks every week? Pretty boring, especially since I seem to always read the same kinds of books.

I'm looking for a team of 4-5 people so that the reviews could happen weekly (with each person writing one a month). If you're interested fill out this short form with your name, email and branch.
One more thing - if you're waiting on a Hunger Games or Maze Runner button I have to apologize, I've been ill. They will be getting mailed tomorrow. Thanks for your patience with me!

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