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Winning Wednesday!

Every once in a while I acquire some cool stuff - like Bree Tanner bookmarks - which I like to pass along to you guys. Today I've got a Sisters Red (just released last month) exclusive preview booklet which not only is the first chapter of the book but also includes some cool temporary tattoos - pretty images of the sisters, a bird, arrow, etc.

Becca Fitzpatrick, author of Hush, Hush calls it "the best book I've read this year" and Carrie Ryan (Forest of Hands and Teeth) also enjoyed it, saying it was "a captivating blend of sisterly devotion, new love, old secrets, and a vicious enemy that threatens to rip everything apart"

If you're into fractured fairy tales (think Beastly or Ash), this might be a book for you.

Comment with first name and branch by Monday to receive a first chapter (not the whole book, sorry!) exclusive! First twelve are the lucky winners.


Sarah said...

Sisters Red is an amazing book by Jackson Pearce!!! I love how it's a modern twist on Little Red Riding Hood but with so much more than the fairy tale we grew up with!!! - Sarah, Bookmobile (If I've read the book does that mean I can't be in the draw???)

Kat said...

Sarah, you're totally eligible. I'll drop one by bookmobile Monday so it should be available next week on whichever day your stop is.

(And I'm on hold for Sisters Red and can't wait to read it too!)

Katy said...

Im trying to find something awesome to read and Sisters Red might be it! I am currently on hold for it and I cant wait until it arrives. My branch is Saltfleet. Thanks...again!

Sarah said...

Thanks Kat!!! :):):) But I'm actually going on holidays Monday and will be gone for two weeks... is it possible I can pick it up after my holidays???

And Sisters Red is an AMAZING book!!! You will not be disappointed!!! :):):)

Anonymous said...

it seems like a good book so i would like to read the first chapter of it.i think it would be a good book!!
my name is Naha and my branch is ancaster.
i can't wait!

Anonymous said...

omg i heard about sisters red and now i am dying to read it

my name is mahum and my library branch is ancaster

Meaghan said...

I am extremely excited to read this book,it sounds absolutely amazing. My branch is the Greencedar Bookmobile stop. Thankyou so much

Symone said...

Hey Kat! Okay so currently im volunteering at the McQueston Centre that the bookmobiles go to. I am trying to get other kids to get more interested in reading during the summer. I think it would be great if I could get the chance to get a book like this to further show how reading is as fun as I try to make it to be!

-Symone McCollin-Norris Bookmobile site at McQueston

Kat said...

sorry Sarah, I thought I replied to this! I can definitely hang onto it until you get back from your holidays!

Symone, that's awesome. Thanks for all your hard work volunteering! \o/

Everyone else, I hope you enjoy the preview! I'll throw them in the mailbag Monday.

Sarah said...

Thanks Kat!!! Sorry I'm being so annoying by continuously commenting on this page!!! I'm at the Greencedar bookmobile stop, if that helps. Thanks again!!!:):):)

Meaghan said...

I forgot to mention, I will also be away on Monday, could you hold on to my prize pack also?

Kat said...

No worries about holding onto prizes. Have realized that I won't be in on Monday anyway and so will be mailing prizes out on Tuesday, so it may be closer to Thursday or Friday before they're available, depending on the branch. You can always call ahead and ask though.

I'll be asking staff to put the prizes with their book 12 prizes, so you can pick them up where you'd normally pick up summer reading prizes.

lyndsey said...

im not sure when this contest ends and the page says only 12 comments and im the 13th but some people wrote 2 comments so im wondering if i can still win the first chapter.this book sounds amazing!!!!and like my kind of book.

just in case i can still get one my name is lyndsey and my library is kenilworth. i really hope the contest is still open.

Kristen said...

Hi, my name is Kristen. I'm at the Waterdown branch. This looks like the kind of book I like, so it would be cool to get a preview. Thanks

Katy said...

Hey do you know when they will reach Saltfleet just so I dont miss it. Thanks

Kat said...

hi Katy, I'm sending them out today so look for it Friday :)

Kat said...

Lyndsey, you're definitely in! I'll be sending them out today, so check with your branch on Friday.