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Winner! And Loser!

First off, congrats to Rebecca at Ancaster who won last week's prize pack!

She won...

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites

Night Life: A Vamps novel
2 week Gold membership to Joslin’s
Joslin's T-Shirt
$5 Gift Certificate to Tim Hortons
5 Comics from Big B Comics

Secondly... with only 3.9% of the votes, we're saying goodbye to Witch & Wizard by James Patterson. Was it the writing? Characters? Plot? Just not interested in dystopian futuristic stories? (although with the number of votes Catching Fire is getting, I'm guessing that isn't it). If you did like W&W, you'll be happy to hear that a sequel is in the works to be released in October.

We'll be voting off the next book next Monday! Any predictions? Maze Runner didn't have as many votes this time either but judging by your reviews last week, I think that may change...

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