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Cover Story: City of Fallen Angels

Confession to make: I haven't read the Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare.
Another? I read Clockwork Angel and it didn't wow me. (*cringe* I know, I know! A lot of you love it)
One more? When I see covers like this it really makes me want to give this series another try.

Wowza! City of Fallen Angels is coming out in April but you can place holds now. 

Cassie Clare fans, what do you think? Did you like Mortal Instruments more than Clockwork Angel? Should I give it a try? 


Clarissa said...

I am shocked and very disappointed in you Kat! :P I thought the Mortal Instruments are very good books. They are full of action and are definite page turners. I was so glad when Pamela told me that she heard of another book in the series since it was originally thought to only have 3. These books aren't classics, but are definitly must reads!!!!

Kat said...

I knoooow! It's a secret shame! Did you like them more than Clockwork Angel?

Clarissa said...

I definitely like them better then Clockwork Angel. The only problem is that Clockwork Angel was a huge rip off of the Mortal Instruments and if you didn't like Clockwork Angel then you might not like the Mortal Instruments. BUT, you should read the entire series because they get better with every book. The characters are interesting and there are so many twists and turns in this series, that is mainly what kept me reading. I am super excited for the last three books, excpet that I think Cassandra Clare may be forcing her story on her readers a bit. We were under the impression that the series would be a trilogy and the ending of the thrid book was very satisfying so I am alittle skeptical as to how good the next books will be. You should still at least read the first three.

Kat said...

alright, alright. I'm convinced. I've been reading contemporary 'issue' books lately and could go for some fantasy stuff.

I think you're right to be suspicious. I wonder if this has anything to do with the movie in the works...

Anonymous said...

i love the mortal instruments and the clockwork angel. you should really give it another try