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... and we're back!

Happy 2011, readers! According to the poll, some of you (most of you) weren't sure if you were going to be making New Years Resolutions. Hopefully you've figured it out by now.

I'm pleased to announce that Magdalena has won herself a copy of Delirium, courtesy of our friends at HarperTeen. In a forgetful move surprising absolutely no one, I have forgotten Delirium at home, but will ship it tomorrow to your branch which means it should be there Friday in time for the weekend. Yay!

To the left is the original cover that is on my copy. You can check out the actual cover below. Which do you like better? I don't think either really does much to tell you what the book is about (not that most covers do nowadays) but I think I prefer the cover they picked.

I'm still brainstorming a poll idea... if you want to help me out, leave a comment below with an idea!

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